We're all down for getting scared for Halloween, but we also love the cute side of Halloween like the decorations or eating a bowl of "Monster Cereal" like Count Chocula, Boo Berry, and Franken Berry. However, we almost had completely different cereal mascots that we just found out about thanks to the creators of the cereal!
While the first Monster Cereals introduced were Count Chocula and Boo Berry in 1971, there actually were a number of other monsters that were in the running that still haven't seen the light of day.
As of right now we have Count Chocula, Boo Berry, Franken Berry Yummy Mummy, Frute Brute, and the newly-introduced Carmella Creeper, but these are some of the Monster Cereals we almost could have had every Halloween:
- Apple Mummy
- Applespider
- Ella Vanilla
- Doctor Orangelove
- Vanilla Gorilla
- OranGenie
- Professor Nutty
- Anna Banana
- R-r-r Orange
You can see what each mascot would have looked like below, but maybe in the next few years we'll get the rest of the Monster Cereal Squad!