If our generation is ever going to get old people to start taking us seriously at work, we should probably start by actually showing up.According to a new survey, while more than half of employees admit having faked sick, that figure rises to six in ten when looking at only Millennials.
No wonder why there isn’t a push to get Boomers to retire.They’re actually honest. More than half of the over-55ers surveyed said they’d never faked an illness in their life. And all those accrued sick days will sure help out now that they probably won’t need to fake being sick.
If you’re thinking about calling in sick in the near future, here are the excuses your boss is most used to hearing. Colds and the flu account for 40% of the -cough cough -sick days and are followed by back pain, stress, and nausea.
Why not go for broke and try to use them all in one made-up story? ‘I need the day sir because I was coughing so bad from my flu that I threw my back out and now I am so stressed from having no health insurance that I threw up.’And... scene.
Source:The Sun