Sometimes when we’re feeling down and in a melancholy mood, we want to shake it off and feel happy. But other times, we just want to dwell on our sadness because it just feels better, like watching emotional movies while we’re dealing with a breakup. But is it healthy to want to wallow and watch sad movies? Psychologist Kristina Hallet says it is and she explains four reasons some people like movies that make them cry.
- Sad movies let people experience emotions -Watching sad movies can be therapeutic, the same way listening to sad music or reminiscing over sad events in the past can be. And when you’re looking for a good, cathartic cry, sad movies can make it happen.
- They create a sense of empathy and bonding with the characters -Identifying with a character in a movie is a way of experiencing empathy and it can make people feel less isolated with their own issues.
- The story often results in people feeling better about their own lives -Feeling sadness from a movie is better than sadness in real life, and that’s partly because we know it’s not our own life or experience. Seeing someone on-screen dealing with a similar sad situation can also help us put things in perspective.
- Crying can release oxytocin and other endorphins -There are real physical benefits to having a good cry. Research has shown crying triggers the release of oxytocin and endorphins, which increase our tolerance for physical and emotional pain.
Source:Mind Body Green