Looking to pick-up a new hobby in 2020? Why not choose one that science says can actually increase your potential and make you smarter while you’re enjoying it.
Here are the top activities researchers, who probably have tons of hobbies to make them smart, say you should start doing to kill time and increase your IQ:
- Play a musical instrument.Playing music has helped tons of weird looking people get laid and research says it also helps with creativity, analytical skills, language, math, fine motor skills, and more. Getting into an instrument also helps your memory, problem solving, and overall brain function, regardless of how old you are.
- Read anything.It doesn’t matter if it’s “Harry Potter” or “War And Peace.” Just start reading. It reduces stress, making you feel better about yourself, and if you keep it up, you’ll increase your ability to problem solve, detect patterns, and even respond to other people's feelings.
- Exercise regularly.Your once a month push up isn’t going to cut it. Exercising regularly makes your cells flood with BDNF, a protein that helps with memory, learning, focus, concentration, and understanding.Need more motivation?Some scientists think being inactive actually has the opposite effect and makes us dumber.
- Work out your brain.Whether you choose sudoku or video games, anything that makes your brain problem solve increases neuroplasticity. This is a big fancy word meaning you’re opening up more pathways in your brain and expanding your ability to figure things out in the future. Also, people with high neuroplasticity have been shown to be less prone to anxiety and depression so that’s a plus.
- Meditate.Getting really good at meditation helps you control your own brain waves. Potentially this could mean you can feel whatever you want, whenever you want to. Imagine being able to feel confident right before walking into your bosses office to demand a raise.Not too shabby.