Intern John

Intern John

Intern John hosts Your Morning Show weekdays from 5A-10A and the Thought Shower Podcast. Listen any time on iHeartRadio! Full Bio


Have You Heard Of ‘Scribble Journaling’?

Journaling sounds so romantic in theory! You sit at a desk, grab a favorite pen, and fill a notebook with eloquent thoughts and ideas. Making sure to write it all in beautiful handwriting, Then, in 100 years, your ancestors read what you wrote and think about how cool you were.

It’s a cute mental picture, but it’s also probably why you never do it Because there’s this unsaid rule that your journal needs to be perfect. The pressure to be perfect while journaling is real and it’s often what puts people off the practice. While it’s thrilling to buy notebooks and diaries, it’s tough to actually start writing in them.

With scribble journaling, the idea is to write as fast, sloppy, and illegible as you like. The goal isn’t to be able to read what you wrote but to allow your pen to keep up with your thoughts.

Often times we don’t even feel the need to re read the thoughts that we just poured onto that page, because the act of releasing those thoughts onto paper is enough to relieve any stress you may be experiencing. So why worry about keeping things neat and aesthetic.

To start scribble journaling, simply grab a notebook and pen and start writing. Let all your words run together as you make up your own form of cursive by blending all your words together. If you’re mad, press down hard. If you’re venting, scribble extra fast. Whatever feels right.

Let us know if you found any sense of relief from partaking in scribble journaling by messaging us on socials @YMSRadio!

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