Tyler Joseph's Daughter Makes Debut In New Twenty One Pilots Video

Twenty One Pilots have made our quarantine blues go away by dropping their new song "Level Of Concern" and while new music from Tyler Jospeh and Josh Dun is always a good thing, fans are freaking out because of the music video!

The video dropped alongside the release of the song and Tyler's newborn daughter, Rosie, has made her camera debut and she stole the show. With mom Jenna right by her side, we're brought into her world up-close-and-personal thanks to Tyler pulling a total dad move using a handheld camcorder to show us around. Pay attention to right around the 2 minute mark in the video!

"Level Of Concern" also takes us into the Dun household where we see Josh and fiancé Debby Ryan decorating a wall with glow in the dark stars.

Check out the video above and tune in at the start of every hour to hear the song!

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