Ellen DeGeneres' Talk Show will End After This Upcoming Season

The upcoming 19th season of Ellen will be the last, according to The Hollywood Reporter.

Apparently this decision has been expected and staff were informed yesterday, May 11.

“When you’re a creative person, you constantly need to be challenged – and as great as this show is, and as fun as it is, it’s just not a challenge anymore,” DeGeneres shared with The Hollywood Reporter.

The last year has certainly had it's challenges when "allegations of a toxic workplace" surfaced and caused disarray.

She shared that she will not miss being in hair and makeup everyday, but the crew has become family to her over the last 18 years. While she's sad to be leaving this behind, she knows it is the right thing to do.

So what's next for DeGeneres? She shared with the article that she's open to movies and plans on opening up a conservation campus in Rwanda.

Read the full interview here.

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