Women Reveal Their Biggest Dating Dealbreakers

No matter how much you may want to find love there are just some things about a potential mate you just can’t overlook, and now a new survey reveals the biggest of these dealbreakers…at least for women. 

  • A poll of over 500 women by sexual wellness brand Royal finds that poor hygiene and health practices are among the biggest dating dealbreakers.
    • 70% would never date someone who doesn't brush/floss
    • 68% would rule out a partner who drinks too much
    • 65% would say no to someone who smokes cigarettes
    • 58% won’t date someone who doesn't shower daily 
  • But health and hygiene aren’t the only dealbreakers. Others include:
    • 35% say a partner who doesn't have a good relationship with family is a dealbreaker
    • 21% won’t date someone who doesn't live in the same city
    • 14% would say no to someone who makes less money than them 

The survey also notes that health is more important than wealth to a lot of women.

  • In fact, 93% say they are more attracted to someone who is healthy, while only 7% are more attracted to a wealthy partner.
  • Close to half of women say good hygiene is themostimportant thing about a partner, followed by someone who:
    • Practices safe sex (18%)
    • Takes good care of their body/works out (17%)
    • Makes a lot of money (10%)
    • Has fancy/expensive things (7%)

Source:Business Insider

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