Verbal 'Tells' That Reveal Someone's True Personality

In poker, people generally have a ‘tell’ that other players can pick up on to figure out if they have a good hand or not. In life, some people have verbal ‘tells’ where what they say, and how they say it, reveals a lot more about them than meets the eye. Here are a few interesting ones to look out for according to psychology research.

  • Narcissism.Here is one that will come in handy on your next first date. You can pick up on whether someone is a narcissist by how much they use swear words.If they curse like a sailor, the experts say they’re more likely to be a narcissist. And if you notice they never use tentative words like “maybe,” “perhaps,” or “guess” when they speak, that’s also a red flag.
  • The “We” Couples.Psychologists say couples that use “we” when speaking about themselves tend to be more satisfied in their relationship. Are they annoying in group texts and on Instagram, perhaps, but hey, they’re happy!
  • Extraverts.The loudest people you know are probably also the most outgoing. Studies show that extraverts are more likely to have powerful voices. You also won’t hear them talking about “me” or “I” much because they use fewer first-person pronouns.

Source:Psychology Today

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