Top Reasons People In Every State Quit Their Job!

Are you thinking about quitting your job right now? Like this very second? So are TONS of other people.

According to a new survey, 13% of people say they think about quitting their job DAILY. And 15% of people plan to quit by the end of the year.

Only 36% of people say they never really consider leaving their current job. 

The survey also found the most common reason why people in every state in the U.S. quit their jobs. And the top reason in every state was one of these six . . . Marylander's #1 reason is BAD BOSS btw!

1. Money.

2. An "unpleasant" work environment.

3. A bad or unsupportive boss.

4. Disliking the work.

5. To improve work-life balance.

6. No opportunity to advance. (Zippia

(Here's a map with every state's top reason.)

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