These Are The Best Small Cities In America

While some folks love the big city, and wouldn’t dream of living anywhere where there isn’t a restaurant on every corner and a Whole Food down the block, there are some folks who prefer a quieter life in a small city. But if you’re one of those people, picking the right small city may be the key to a happy life.

  • Well, WalletHub just came out with their list of the Best Small Cities in America.
  • They looked at more than 1,200 U.S. cities with populations between 25K and 100K.
  • They judged each city based on 43 key indicators of livability, including housing costs, school-system quality, restaurants per capita and more. 
  • Based on all of this, the site named Sammamish, Washington, as the Best Small City in the U.S.
  • Sammamish is one of many cities that scored in the 99th percentile, earning a score of 73.05 out of 100, and coming in at number one for economic health. 

Top Ten Best Small Cities in America

(click herefor the entire list)

  1. Sammamish, WA
  2. Lexington, MA
  3. Carmel, IN
  4. Needham, MA
  5. Sugar Land, TX
  6. Milton, MA
  7. Brentwood, TN
  8. Southlake, TX
  9. Cedar Park, NY
  10. Richmond, VA


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