Why Time Flies When You're Having Fun!

We’ve all felt time go by differently. Like how dentist’s office trips feel like forever, but nights with your friends go by in a flash. Up until now, it’s been chalked up to the phenomena your parents described as “time flies when you’re having fun.” But new research has a more scientific explanation.

According to a new study from the University of California, it’s all in our minds.Literally.They found we’ve all got some time-sensitive neurons in our brains that get “worn out” from certain tasks. The more bored we are, the more likely these nerve cells in the “supramarginal gyrus” part of our brain are to get tired, and since other neurons in there are still working as usual, our perception of time gets skewed.

So there you have it. It’s not so much the fun that’s making time fly, it’s the fact that you’re not so bored your braincan’t even.Pour one out tonight for all the neurons getting overworked at the DMV.


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