Half of Singles Don’t Want a Relationship or Even a Date

According to every rom-com ever, the most important thing for every single person is to find love immediately. But according to reality, that’s not true. In fact, new research shows it’s pretty much the opposite.

All of you people out there with a dating app idea better sit down for this. The Pew Research Center has found 50% of single people are not interested in a committed relationship. And worse? They’re not even interested in dating in general. In fact, just 14% are actively looking only for a serious romantic relationship.And here you thought the quarantine was killing the single people out there. Turns out, they're doing just fine.

  • The two most popular answers people gave for why they were uninterested in dating were that they have more important priorities and they just like being single.

And if you needed any more reason to be serious about who you’re getting married to, here’s one: research also shows people who’ve tried marriage before are especially unlikely to want to try it again. A whopping 56% of divorcées said they’re completely uninterested in dating, and that number jumped to 74% for widows.

Source:Psychology Today

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