Bride Demands Guests Write 250 Word Essays To Get Invited To Wedding

Lots of future brides are being forced to scale back their weddings due to coronavirus restrictions. And while it’s never easy to decide who to invite and who not to invite, the way this bride is going about it is bound to leave you shocked.

A woman shared on Reddit that her sister is having a destination wedding in February, but needs to cut down the guest list due to health guidelines. The sister says the woman is now sending out new invites, but with a ridiculous request of her possible guests. 

"In order to figure out who to invite and who to cut, she's asking all confirmed guests to submit two 250-word 'essays' to two questions," the sister writes. "The gist is that they'll use these essays to choose who can come or not, based on people's enthusiasm.” The bride says anyone who doesn’t write it is immediately off the invite list, plus any essay that isn’t 250 words will not be recognized.

If this wasn’t strange enough, it isn’t just friends and distant relatives who have to write the essay, the OP and her parents are expected to as well. As you can imagine the sister feels pretty “insulted” by the whole thing, especially since the essays are on things like “what will the wedding mean to you specifically.” The OP notes, “So she's blatantly looking for people to kiss a-- and tell her why they REALLY want to go."

The OP has refused to write the essays and now it’s caused a whole lot of family drama. The bride is even insisting that the sister won’t be invited if she doesn’t, and the parents are on the bride’s side. The OP shares, "My parents said if I don't show up [to the wedding] I'm going to be in big f---ing trouble with all our relatives so just write the essays.”

The OP wonders if she’s really the one wrong in this scenario, and pretty much everyone agrees she isn’t.

  • "It's ridiculous to ask anyone to do this," one person wrote. "You invite people to your wedding because you want to share your important moments with them not the other way around.”
  • "I think this is one of the most idiotic Bridezilla performances I've seen on this sub and boy have I seen a lot of these," another person shared. "I'm sure exactly 0 people outside of the ones OP's parents blackmail into coming will actually re-RSVP, let alone write a 250 word essay. What a s---show."
  • One person actually had a suggestion on what to write. “I would definitely send in two essays,” one person wrote. "The first would say 'Mom/Dad said I have to come or I'm in BIG trouble' over and over again until you hit 250. The second, 'I'm your sibling." 

Source:Café Mom

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