UPDATE: 'Glee' Star Naya Rivera Missing After A Boat Ride Wednesday

UPDATE: Ventura County Sheriff Department 3 p.m. EST

No foul play is suspected at this time. There is footage of her and her son Josey boarding the boat alone.

The boat was overdue for rental at 4 p.m., so an employee went to go search for her. That is when they found Josey sleeping alone on the boat and called authorities. The child said his mom went swimming, and she didn't come back up. He had on a life vest, and an adult life vest was still on the boat, along with Rivera's purse and ID.

Search efforts began immediately, and continued until 10 p.m. Wednesday. They began again at dawn this morning, and will continue until sunset.

People are searching for Glee star Naya Rivera after her four-year-old son, Josey, was found floating alone on a rented boat on Lake Piru in Ventura County yesterday evening.

The local Sheriff’s Department responded to a report of a boy alone on a boat yesterday evening. As the story goes, another boater spotted the vessel drifting, went to investigate and found the child alone and sleeping. Officials say that according to Josey, they both went swimming, but she didn’t get back on board. Apparently, he had on a life vest, but she didn’t.

A search and rescue dive team for the 33-year-old will resume this morning at first light. For the record, Naya shares Josey Hollis Dorsey with her ex-husband,Ryan Dorsey. He hasn't commented on the reports.

We will keep you updated on this story, thoughts and prayers to her and her family at this time.

Source:Daily Mail

Lake Piru is located about 50 miles north of Los Angeles.

Her last tweet was this photo of her and her son, Josey.

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