Gals Reveals The Worst Gifts They Got From Ex-Boyfriends

While it isn’t always easy to find the perfect gift to show a girl how much you care, some guys just don’t make any effort at all. In fact, some guys are such bad gift givers they are being shamed over it on the web.

The website The Single Theory has gathered together some tales of the worst gifts women received from their ex-boyfriends, and when you hear them you’ll probably understand why they are exes.

Bad gifts include:

  • "I merely mentioned I wanted a Scrub Daddy after watching Shark Tank one day. I bought him an iPad for his birthday several months before. I got a Scrub Daddy."
  • "I told my ex of 2 years I wanted UGG slippers for Christmas. He bought me the kind you can buy at a drug store and said, ‘These are pretty much the same thing, but so much cheaper!’ They weren’t even my size."
  • "I was dating my ex for 8 months. We were going on a date the night before we both went home for Christmas. I bought a cashmere sweater for him to open. He got me nothing but said ‘I am going to pay for dinner tonight. It will be your Christmas present."
  • "I got a $60 parking ticket when I borrowed my ex-boyfriend’s car. He paid it and said we could be ‘even’ for my birthday present."
  • "A spa gift card for $100 that was filled out and dated two years before we even met."
  • "My boyfriend of six months told me he wanted a PlayStation for Christmas and I told him I wanted a new purse. He got the PlayStation. I got a waffle maker. Then I found out he won said waffle maker from a raffle his company had."
  • "On Valentine’s Day, my ex-husband mixed up the cards and accidentally gave me one that was intended for his mistress he swore was ‘just a colleague.’ I filed for divorce that week."
  • "I thought my ex and I would be exchanging gifts for Christmas. I got him a pair of Air Pods and some other sentimental things. He had nothing for me to open. When I left in the morning he Venmo’d me $300 with a memo that said 'Buy whatever you want.'"
  • "He bought me a gun so we could go shooting together (his favorite hobby). I don’t like guns. We broke up and he kept the gun."


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