While the tape from “The Ring” would kill you in seven days, some relationship podcasts set your love life to end in seven years.There’s a commonly held belief known as the “seven-year itch” where couples all of a sudden get bored of their relationship around the 1500-day mark.Here’s the truth behind it:
- Several Experts Say It’s Not Real.Licensed professional counselorDr. Mark Mayfield is amongst the experts that say the seven-year itch is a “myth.” Dr. Mayfield believes “love should not be only a feeling (which comes and goes) but also a choice, which takes work.” Therefore, you can ‘choose’ not to cheat on your boo, or start looking elsewhere, and into what’s happening in your relationship.
- Real or not, psychologist Dr. Marianna Strongin says she has tons of couples bring up the seven-year itch in her office. And when it does come up she doesn’t tell them it’s not real, but instead says she spends “a great deal of time understanding what grew them together in the last seven years and what also grew them apart.”
Instead of getting the itch and firing up a burner Tinder account, she advises couples to use this time to “look at what has been working and also what is no longer working.” The seventh year of your relationship does have to be your expiration date if you can re-prioritize it in your life. And if you can’t do it yourself, there are these things called therapists that will gladly help.
Source:Woman's Day