Should Woman Get Revenge On Cheater Who Tattled On Her Cheating?

Telling someone you know that their spouse is cheating is never an easy decision, but it can certainly be made easier if that cheater once spilled the beans on you. Well, that’s the case with one woman and now she’s deciding whether or not it’s okay to exact her revenge.

A woman writes into “Dear Coleen” that she had an affair five years ago with someone at work, and her husband found out after one of his best friends had seen them together. 

The woman notes that while it hurt her relationship, she and her husband stayed together and worked things out, but she felt “betrayed” by the man and his wife, who she says then cut her out of their lives, although her husband still sees them. She notes they “were so ­judgmental and sanctimonious about what happened, which made it harder for me.”

Cut to a few weeks ago, when the woman saw that same best friend outside a pub with his arm around another woman. “They were clearly intimate with each other,” she shares. “He saw me as I walked by and looked horrified.” She says she told her husband, but wonders if she should tell the guy’s wife as well.

  • Well, Coleen warns her against getting her revenge. She says it should be enough that the husband now knows the friend is a “hypocrite” and that the guy knows she knows he is a cheat. “I’m just not sure you’d feel any better getting revenge by telling his wife,” she notes, “It’s such a negative thing to do…You can still enjoy having this ­information, but why not be the bigger person in this situation and not shout about it?”

Source:The Mirror

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