Americans Have Over $20B In Unused Gift Cards

Millennials, we might be unhappy now, but there is a light at the end of the tunnel.Unfortunately, the tunnel is probably about 20-years long.According to a new survey the over-55 crowd is actually doing much better than us in the stress department.

Basically, it comes down to time spent not working. Since millennials are entering the heart of their working years, the stress levels are high. But since people over 55 are starting to pull back on their time spent making money, they’re also spending more time doing things they actually want to do.

The research found 69% of the people over 55 say they now spend more time doing do all the activities and hobbies they want in their lives. Nearly three out of four are actually getting to the gym weekly, 74% are going out to eat once a month, and 32% hang out with friends once a week.Meanwhile, us millennials would probably have to combine all those things into one activity to pull them off on a regular basis.

  • Now if you’re the type of person that’s nervous that you won’t truly enjoy things in advanced age, think again. A large amount of the older folks surveyed said they’re using they’re time to explore new places. In fact, 39% said they’ve spent more than 20 days on vacation over just the past year. Many of the baby boomers actually say they’re happy they waited until their later years to travel.Sure you might not look as good in a swimsuit as they did, but that’s not stopping them from living their best life.
  • Here are some more numbers to be jealous of millennials. A whopping 72% of older adults say they’re comfortable with their age, 64% are content in life, and 53% have never felt more confident. No wonder over half also say they feel younger then their license says.Age is just a number after all.


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