Adults Over 55 Less Stressed Than Millennials

How much money do you have sitting on gift cards in your wallet, purse, or that junk drawer at home? Bet it’s a good amount.

According to a new survey, Americans currently have more than $20 billion in unused cards or rewards. Half of us admitted to having unredeemed gift cards or credits, a quarter of us say we’ve lost a gift card, and another 25% have let one expire.It’s a wonder Jeff Bezos stays so rich with us not spending all his Amazon gift cards.

Turns out Millennials are the biggest offenders when it comes to plastic money. The survey found 55% of us have a credit or gift card we haven’t used.Maybe if we all combine all of our partially used Visa Gift Cards we can buy our way out of student loan debt!

  • You can basically skip giving your well off friends, family, and coworkers gift cards during the holidays. A hardy 32% of people who make more than $80,000 said they’ve let a card or credit go to waste.Guess it really was only that thought that counted.


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