Woman Writes Thank You Note To Ex’s Parents After Breakup

It’s rarely easy to get over someone after a breakup, but it’s even harder if you started getting close to your ex’s family, and one woman found an interesting way to deal with it.

A woman shares that her boyfriend unexpectedly broke up with her over Christmas, and while it was bad, it turns out she was more upset about never getting to see his family again.

She notes that while they only dated a few months, it was enough time for her to get to know his parents, and since she had a very unhappy childhood, she quickly bonded with his family. When they broke up, even his parents were upset about it, with his mom helping her pack up her stuff and calling her the “daughter she never had.” His dad even got her a taxi to driver her back to her place in London, noting, “their kindness made the heartbreak a little easier to bear.”

As she delt with the breakup she realized she was more upset about “the gaping void his wonderful parents would leave in my life,” and to get closure she decided to send them a thank you note, along with a poem." After tweeting about her decision, she received a ton of support online, receiving “200 replies, more than 3,000 likes, and a ton of DMs.”

From the comments she found out that there were plenty of people that still talk to their former in-laws, despite a relationship being over, which made her feel “hopeful.” She and the ex have since gotten to the point that they are now friends, and she was even invited to his birthday party, and his family was there. She notes it’s not the same, but adds, she’d rather be “"family friend" than "random girl our son once dated.”


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