Tinder‌ ‌Cliches‌ ‌That‌ ‌Need‌ ‌To‌ ‌Stop‌ ‌

Millions of singles on dating apps swipe every day in the pursuit of love, or at least a hookup. And while the apps can be a good place to meet someone, they’re still full of some pretty tired clichés that make the whole process more frustrating. According to Tinder users and Holly Bartter, who runs Matchsmith.com, a service that helps people polish their profiles, these are the stale, overused phrases and bad habits we’re tired of seeing on dating apps.

  • Men who write “ … because apparently it matters” after their height- Yep, how tall you are matters to some people, fellas, so get over it. Include your height and skip the unoriginal caveat that just makes you look petty and shows a lack of confidence.
  • Blank bios- So many people are guilty of not including anything in their bios, which is a shame because the whole point of dating apps is to find someone and that’s tough to do when you don’t have anything to go by. If you can’t come up with one sentence about yourself, you shouldn’t be on there.
  • The “don’t use this much, catch me on Insta!” tagline- Some people use Tinder to “harvest followers” for their social media accounts, but don’t be that person. We’re not here to boost your followers, so just stop, please.
  • The pessimist- Most of us would agree it’s an immediate downer to find a bio that reads something like “Not really sure if this works, mostly get a lot of scammers or been ghosted, but giving it a try.” No one’s looking for a Donnie Downer, so keep your chin up and try to make a positive first impression, folks.
  • Extreme close-ups- If you have baby blues that rival Sinatra, you may want to show them off, but those super close-ups can make it seem like you have something to hide, so go for a more natural angle in your profile pic so people can see what you actually look like.
  • The group selfie- One group shot is fine, as long as there are others of you alone. Just don’t make us have to guess which person in the photo is the actual person on the dating app.


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