Are We Washing Our Clothes Too Often?

Can you honestly say you know how much you need to be washing clothes? Some people put it off until the clothes are spilling out of the basket while others from distant lands like the Jersey Shore do laundry every day along with their gyming and tanning.

A new study is now airing out our dirty laundry and how we feel about other people’s too. Did you know you could wear the same thing every day to work this week and only half the office would care? Just about 60% of people say they have no problem with people re-wearing clothes, although a quarter did say they’d feel dirty doing it themselves, so a full week might be pushing it.

Interestingly, men are more likely than women to feel self-conscious about wearing something without washing it. But that’s only for tops.Men are downright nasty below the waist.According to the survey, men admitted to wearing underwear two times before throwing them in the wash.

But you’re not one to cast hygiene stones ladies. Even though men think women usually wash a bra after two wears, the average turns out to be more like eight before the bra sees the inside of a washing machine.

  • T-shirts were considered dirty after two wears while pants, jumpers and jeans are considered dirty after wear four.

And here’s some good news for Mother Earth.The laundry room is going green like someone left a green sock in with the whites.More than a quarter of people surveyed say they often consider the environment when doing their laundry. But to be fair, 18% of people also admitted to doing a load even if the machine wasn’t full.Greta Thunberg would not be impressed!

While there’s no perfect time to wash clothes designer Stella McCartney does have one basic rule everyone should live by. “If you don’t absolutely have to clean anything, don’t clean it.”

Source:Yahoo Style UK

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