Bride Wants To Drop Bridesmaid Because Of Her Cancer

It seems that’s it’s becoming a daily occurrence to hear about an absolutely terrible bride that puts her feelings and her big day above everyone else, but I think we’ve now found the worst bridezilla of all.

Screenshots of a text conversation a bride had with one of her bridesmaids recently went viral, and it’s too shocking to be believed.

  • It starts out with the bride texting her bridesmaids that she was having second thoughts about having a bridesmaid named Mader in her wedding.
  • It seems since Mader was asked to be in the wedding party she was diagnosed with cancer, and the bride recently found out that the woman’s hair had started falling out.
  • “I just can’t envision having all you beautiful ladies up there with me looking fabulous and then Mader with no hair,” she writes. “I just feel like it will distract from me and I feel it just won’t fit in with the look I’m going for.”
  • As you can imagine, her bridesmaids were shocked with one responding, “wtf, are you serious now??” and one informing Mader of the bride’s comments.
  • Well, Mader was furious and texted that not only will she no longer be a bridesmaid but she wasn’t going to the wedding either.
  • “I would just HATE for my chemotherapy treatment and resulting side effects to negatively effect you and your big day,” she texted sarcastically, adding that the bride was a “self-centered and heartless douche baggette.”
  • The bride tried to explain herself saying she didn’t mean it in a “negative way,” adding, “I just wasn’t expecting you to get cancer and lose your hair when I asked you to be my bridesmaid.”
  • The bride then suggested Mader wear a wig, but Mader wasn’t having it.
  • “I can’t imagine how unexpected it must have been for YOU to find out I had cancer,” she noted, adding, “and thank you for being totally fine with me wearing a wig, that’s so gosh darn considerate of you.”
  • Finally, Mader ended the conversation with “Though I will miss the opportunity to chemo-vomit into your bouquet, this is me officially RSVPing – not attending on account of you being a soggy pop tart.” 

Check out the full and shocking exchange here.

  • As you can imagine, folks on the Internet were livid, with one person calling, the bride a “terrible selfish person,” while others suggested all the bridesmaids back out because she’s so awful, and one even suggesting all the other bridesmaids get buzzcuts before the wedding. 

Source:Bored Panda

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