According to Experts: There Are Two Types of American Millennials

Are you a "me-llennial" or a "mega-llennial?" According to a generational expert, people our age fit into one of these two categories.And here I thought the only two types of millennials were pre- and post-JNCO jeans.

What’s the difference?Basically, it comes down to money. Me-llennials are those of us that were hit hardest by the recession. The Me’s feel behind in their career and finances and they’re generally struggling with student-loan debt as well.

Jason Dorsey, the researcher studying millennials who coined the two terms says many of the me-llennials he interviewed say they haven't yet found their path. They feel like they're not in control of their finances or life direction and are just kind of getting by.Bummer.

On the other hand, there are the happy campers amongst us known as Mega-llennials. This would describe anyone who’s actually killing it at work and feel like they’re getting lumped in with abunch of sad-sacks.According to Dorsey, "they feel they [don't] match the negative stereotypes, such as the often-touted sense of entitlement."No need to Venmo a Mega-llennial for brunch, the avocado toast is on them.

  • A recent survey found millennials overall think they're doing better than their peers. So either our situations are better than we let on,or our friends are in some big trouble.

Source:Business Insider

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