Bride Wants To Ditch Sister As Maid Of Honor Because She’ll Be In A Sling

We get it that wedding pictures are pretty important to a bride and groom, but we’ll never understand couples who’ll go to such lengths for those great pictures that they risk ruining the relationships with their family and friends.

Case in point? A bride-to-be recently shared on Reddit that she wants dump her sister as Maid of Honor because the sister is getting elbow surgery the week before the wedding and will be in a sling for the big day. The bride’s argument is that the sister injured her elbow almost three years ago, so she’s mad that she decided to wait until the week before the wedding to take care of it.

“Obviously, I want my sister to be pain-free and finally get her surgery. But, like any human being, there is a selfish side of me,” she shares. “I don’t want her to be the maid of honor in my wedding because she’ll be wearing a sling in all of the photos and videos from the wedding.”

The bride says most people in her family thinks she’s a “horrible” person for wanting to dump her sister, and folks on the Internet seem to agree.

  • “The presence of a sling in your photos bothers you more than the absence of your sister would,” one user noted. “This is some textbook bridezilla behavior.”
  • “Putting photos before family is a horrible thing to do,” another added. “They are just pictures. Pictures that'll likely be in a box hardly ever seen. Selfish bridezilla much?”
  • Others wondered why she worried so much about the sling, noting, “The sling can be creatively hidden in the pictures,” and adding, “And trust me, no one gives two shits about your wedding photos. They’re not going to be treasured pieces of the family. It’s just your little show off day.” 

Source:Fox News

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