You Can Leave Your Christmas Tree Up For A Few More Days!

Some people take down their Christmas decorations and get their homes back to normal as early as December 26th, and then there are the rest of us. If your tree is still up and decorated and you’re starting to feel a little guilty about it, don’t. According to tradition, there’s no rush.

Different Christian religions have slightly different rules about it, but the guideline is to put the tree up at the beginning of advent, which is the fourth Sunday before Christmas. And you don’t take it down until the Epiphany, which is 12 days after Christmas. This year, Epiphany is Monday (January 6th), so you can still keep that tree up for a few more days and feel good about it because you’re not procrastinating, you’re following tradition.

Of course, if you’re motivated to start your post-holiday clean up now, go on and take the tree down whenever you want. But if you’d rather just kick back with a mug of cocoa and enjoy those twinkling lights for as long as possible, keep it up and know tradition has your back.

Source:Scary Mommy

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