A Mom Tricked Her Kid Into Going To Bed Early So She Can Party On NYE

A mom admits to tricking her six-year-old daughter into going to bed early on New Year’s Eve so she could party with her friends. In a Reddit post, the 25-year-old says her little girl was “so excited” to stay up and watch the ball drop in Times Square and had her party hat and noisemaker ready to go. But mom says she didn’t want her to stay up.

“I wanted to party and get wasted with my friends and I did not really want her to see me and my friends getting [expletive] faced,” she confessed. So hours before midnight, she showed her daughter a YouTube video of the ball dropping in 2018 and everyone at her party pretended it was 2020. Then she tucked her in after the countdown and says the girl went to bed “with a smile on her face.” But now, she admits she feels a little guilty for tricking her.

The reactions to her story are mixed. Some comments say it’s “kind of messed up” that she’d rather party than stay up with her kid and some accuse her of being selfish, but others are more understanding of the mom’s move. Another redditor writes, “Chances are she might not have even made it to midnight anyway and would’ve been disappointed the next day when she found out she missed it.”

Source:Fox News

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