What To Wear On A First Date, According To Science

Science has given us antibiotics and put a man on the moon...and now it’s going to do something nearly inconceivable. It’s going to make your next date go well.

While there is limited research in the field of dating fashion, there should be just enough to land a boo. So here’s what you should be pulling out of your closet for your next date.

Ladies, Go Red.Some stereotypes are true it turns out. A 2008 study showed men found ladies in red more attractive and sexually desirable. This is not only true for men all around the world, it’s also true for nonhuman male primates who science has shown to be irresistibly drawn to females who “redden” during ovulation.So whether your next date is with an ape, or a guy that acts like one, pull out that red dress to impress.

Black Is A Safe Backup. In 2018, researchers watched footage of over 500 first dates and found that both men and women chose to wear black when they didn’t want to send any overtly sexual vibes. Black was determined to be a “safe” color to look good but not thirsty.

Dress the way you want to feel. Ever heard the term “enclothed cognition?” It was coined by some Northwestern researchers to describe how clothing actually changes our brain. In their study, they found that simply putting on a lab coat made people work smarter. So if you want to be sexy, dress sexy. Put on those high heels and skimpy underwear.And ladies, you can wear whatever makes you feel sexy too.

A little makeup goes a long way.A 2011 study tried to find out, once and for all, what look men actually find attractive between no to heavy makeup. It turns out that as long as you aren’t going all-natural, you should be fine because anything other than barefaced was rated as attractive.So no need to consult those YouTube tutorials. Just a dab will do you.


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