Ways Winter Can Mess With Your Sex Drive

It’s not even winter yet, but cold weather could already be affecting your skin, hair, and worse - your libido. Yep, when the temperature drops, your sex drive could too. But on the flip side, winter can raise your libido as well. Here are some of the unexpected ways the upcoming season affects your sex drive.

  • SAD can affect your libido- There are 10-million Americans living with seasonal affective disorder, a condition that takes a toll on mental health during the colder winter months. And it not only brings them down, it can decrease their sex drive as well, according to the International Society for Sexual Health.
  • Loneliness may be putting your libido into hibernation- If you tend to stay in more when it’s cold outside, it can make you feel lonelier, and you may notice that your libido is hibernating for the season as well.
  • But low levels of serotonin can lead to a heightened sex drive- Serotonin helps regulate our mood, energy levels, sleep, and sexual desire and function and one study finds levels of it are lowest during winter, which could lead to a boost in sex drive.
  • Men find women's bodies more attractive during the winter- Another study shows that male test subjects found women’s bodies more attractive during the winter than in the summer. Researchers suggest it could be because not seeing skin all the time makes bodies seem more desirable.
  • More babies are conceived in cold weather- Statistics show more babies are conceived on December 11th than any other day of the year, which they figured out by counting back from the most common birthday of the year, September 16th. So a lot of folks must be feeling frisky this time of year.

Source:Best Life

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