Is This Woman A Jerk For Ruining A Gender Reveal?

Not everyone can keep a big secret. Sometimes accidents happen and that’s what one woman shared on the sub-reddit “Am I An A**hole.” The original poster (OP) said, on the now deleted thread, that her sister-in-law asked her to plan the gender reveal party for her upcoming bundle of joy.

It was planned for Thanksgiving and OP said she wanted to make it perfect. On the run through with the mom-to-be, OP let the secret slip by saying “Once you pull the pin, it'll smoke white for ten seconds, and then it'll smoke blue.”

Of course, the SIL flipped, but things got smoothed over. OP pointed out that her SIL was the only one who now knew the gender. the event went great and it was live streamed on Facebook. Everyone was tagged but OP. Naturally, she asked Reddit if she was the jerk.

  • The answer was a resounding no. One commenter said "It was an honest mistake. She’s completely overreacting. On the plus side, now you guys are safe from any unforeseen injuries that are now par for the course with these reveal parties." And that’s when it turned into a commentary on how self-centered and narcissistic the events are.
  • And by the by? In a landslide Redditers also made it clear that the Op is cool and gender reveals arenot.


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