Being In A Relationship Is Costing You This Much Every Year

Remember that J.Lo song, “Love Don’t Cost A Thing?” Well, it seems she may have been a little off with that one. New research suggests being in a relationship will definitely cost you and it even comes up with a dollar amount it’ll set you back.

According to a survey just out from Lloyd’s Bank in the U.K., being part of a couple is actually pretty expensive. Their research reveals that being in a relationship can cost you a whopping $4,630.55 a year.

Lloyd’s asked more than 4,000 adults about their relationship status and how they were doing financially. The survey finds that even if they don’t think so, singles are doing better financially than those who are coupled up. It points to living costs as the biggest expense for people in relationships, since singles may be splitting their bills with roommates.

Consumer affairs expert Harry Wallop says another thing that could be helping single people’s finances is “that they do not face as much pressure as couples when it comes to spending lots of money on presents around anniversaries, birthdays, and Christmas.” So being single is good for your bank account, something you can tell your nosy aunt on Thanksgiving when she asks why you’re not settled down yet.

Source:Women's Health

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